No one can avoid winter illness forever, but effective treatment is available to help get you back on your feet!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend the flu shot for most people as a means of prevention. Unfortunately, you can still get sick if you didn’t get your flu shot in time — or caught a cold or a different strain of the flu.

At Revival IV Lounge, we offer a variety of vitamin IV infusions to help boost your immune system, prevent illness, or fight any cold, flu, or other winter illness!

Studies have shown that prescription-based treatments are hardly more effective than alternative remedies, such as vitamin IV therapy. Additionally, IV therapy has been used for decades to treat viral infections. We have several options available at our IV lounge to help fit within everyone’s budget. Our Germ Buster or Vitamin D vitamin injection are a quick way to boost your immune system before an event, before travel or at the start of a new semester. Or try our Super Immunity IV drip which has our highest dose of Vitamin C, Zinc, Selenium, and the B vitamins needed to help boost your immune system, increase your energy, and fight off whatever illness you may have.

While we can’t claim to cure whatever illness you may have, when caught early enough, our services do provide a way to get safe and effective doses of vitamins to help decrease the length and severity of your cold.

Contact us today at 407-878-2173 to see how we can help you get back to living your BEST life!